March 11, 1966 , Indonesia experienced a turning point in history . A regime began to crumble . And a new chapter was born . Instrument that changed history was just a piece of paper , signed by President Sukarno of the day : Warrant of March , commonly abbreviated Supersemar . Through the letter of President Sukarno gave authority to the Lieutenant General Suharto , then Army Chief Minister , to take " all necessary measures to guarantee security and peace and stability of the running of the government and the course of the Revolution " . Through a letter that began to erode the power of President Soekarno . And General Suharto emerged as a new national leadership .
Ahead of March 11, 1971 , President Suharto for the first time explains the background and history of the birth Supersemar because , he said , the people of Indonesia is entitled to it . " Supersemar a part of history that is very important to realign the nation's struggle in defense of the ideals of freedom and independence given the content , " he said . Digest explanation Head of State : he never considered it as a SP March 11 in order to obtain absolute power . " Decree of March 11 also is not a tool to organize a coup in disguise , " he said firmly .
Supersemar indeed a historic event . Some call it " New Order milestone " , or " New Order Momentum " . President Soeharto himself called " Early Struggles of the New Order " . Although it has been several times an attempt to reconstruct the events, among others, in 1976 by the Centre for Armed Forces Historical led at the time Nugroho Notosusanto ( deceased ) , still common confusion about the important events . For example, which occurred in 1982 , when the story of the birth of Supersemar version appeared Hasjim Ning , which was then denied by the employer . Apparently, not all of it revealed about the birth Supersemar . Not only that . Here and there there are still stories that do not fit . May complete tracking needs to be done , mumpung many perpetrators are still there . Supersemar own original letter reportedly is still missing . Understandably , at the time it was pretty messed up situation awareness may still lack documented .
Once upon a time ......
Bogor Palace , Friday, March 11, 1966 . Helicopters roar broke the silence Palace at around 11 am . Bell Helicopter landed at the presidential palace .
"How come afternoons like this , usually right in the afternoon, " thought Mrs. . Hartini Sukarno while her husband pick out the palace pavilion .
President Sukarno every Friday afternoon is staying in Bogor Palace , and returned to the Presidential Palace on Monday morning . With escorted General Sabur , President and Commander Regiment adjutant Cakrabirawa ( presidential guard unit ) , Bung Karno , who dress uniform gray president , entered the pavilion . He was wearing a skull cap , and do not forget to bring a wand .
" Early in the morning anyway already in Bogor , Mas , " said Mrs . Hartini . Bung Karno , which comes with a cloudy face , just a short reply , " Tien , a precarious state . " Soekarno then entered the room , change clothes . He was the noon prayer and lunch .
The lunch menu : vegetable ve, tofu, and tempeh - favorite food Bung Karno . " Mr. ate little . It seems his appetite is not good , " Mrs story . Hartini . After lunch , Sukarno rest . It was about one o'clock in the afternoon .
Soon the roar of the helicopter that landed roaring again . The contents Deputy Prime Minister ( Deputy Premier ) I Subandrio and Deputy Premier Saleh Chaerul III . " They went to my pavilion , which is located on the left pavilion Bung Karno , and I was invited to sit . Mr. Sabur come and talk with them . He then drove them to the pavilion reserved for guests , " said Mangil Martowidjojo , who was then commander of Detachment Privacy Guard Regiment Cakrabirawa .
Around 2 pm , a helicopter landed again . This time the fall of the Minister of Veterans Maj. Basoeki Grace , Light Industry Minister Brigadier General Joseph , and the Regional Commander Brigadier General Amir Machmud V Jaya . Everything is in military uniform . They went straight to the pavilion where guards and greeted Sabur . " Bur , we would like to meet Mr come , " said Rahmat Basoeki . Sabur explained , Bung Karno was resting . "Then , we 'll wait , " said Rahmat Basoeki . Mrs. recall . Hartini , Bung Karno was a rest day for about two hours .
Approximately at 14.30 ( this according to the narrative of Gen. Joseph in 1973 ) , Sabur came and said Bung Karno can be found . All three generals were then taken to the living room palace whose walls are painted white . Sukarno, who was wearing shorts and a white T-shirt accept them . His face clouded . "What are you here ? " He asked . Grace as a general Basoeki oldest in the group begin to speak , representing the other . " We had come to meet Father to show we do not leave you. We do not want Dad to feel has been left out by the Armed Forces , by the Army . We regret the events of this morning . But we hope that the President is not affected by the incident . "
Attitude Bung Karno was still hard . " What ? You said I should not be affected ? I do not have to anxious ? You said the Army did not leave me ? You yourself know , the Army joined the demonstration . I dropped participate . You susupkan members of the Special Forces and Strategic Reserve Command among youth and students . What if it was not to attack me ? "
Bung Karno anger was understandable . Am March 11 at the State Palace there was a cabinet meeting . Before the trial began , President Soekarno asked whether Amir Machmud safe situation to the cabinet meeting could take place . Regional Commander V Jaya assurances that the situation is safe. However , in the middle of the session , suddenly Brigien Sabur submit a memorandum to the President . The contents turned out to reports of unknown forces , because it does not wear a badge , although the use of arms , around the palace . Setelak talk with Subandrio , Bung Karno and then suspend the trial , and submit to the Deputy Premier Leimena chairperson .
Apparently , reports of a " wild forces " that rocked President Sukarno , who seems to suspect , that the troops deployed against the Army . That's why he stopped the cabinet meeting , left the palace , and headed to the helicopter , followed Subandrio scampered up shoes left behind , as well as Chaerul Saleh . Bung Karno , Jakarta situations that may feel too hot , fly to the Bogor Palace .
The days were hot and the atmosphere is turbulent Jakarta . Almost every day there were demonstrations WE and KAPPI . Five months after the events G-30-S/PKI , promised a political settlement of President Sukarno had not yet occurred . Although the activities of the CPI has been banned by a number of military authorities , PKI has not officially disbanded . Meanwhile , the economic situation is getting worse . Government on December 13, 1965 has cut the value of money of Rp 1,000 to Rp 1 . However , more needs soaring prices . People feel uneasy . The demonstrations were generally organized WE ( Indonesian Student Action Union ) , more and grow bigger and stronger . Doodles and yelyel the demonstrators were loud and blamed the government : " Lower the price of rice " , " Get rid of ministers incompetent " , or "Down Subandrio " . Deputy Premier Subandrio is being targeted because he - who later earned the nickname Durno - considered " close " to the PKI . However , against President Sukarno , the students and the youth are still being tolerant . Slogans "Long live Bung Karno " was shouted by the demonstrators . On January 10, 1966 dicetuskanlah Tri demands of the People ( Tritura ) : Disband PKI , Dwikora Cabinet reshuffle , and Lower Price .
The actions of students and youth increasingly intensified . Although attacking the government with demands such as " Ritul Minister Moron " , has not appeared condemnation directly against President Sukarno . The student leaders even said student actions were always in line with the teachings of the Leader of the Revolution Bung Karno . Bung Karno himself alleges , unrest and turmoil that occurred orchestrated by the counterrevolution and Necolim ( neo- colonialism and imperialism ) that would drop him . In a cabinet meeting at Bogor Palace on January 15, 1966 he angrily exclaimed , " It's Sukarno , Leader of the Revolution . Who wants to come with me , come . I am responsible for the Revolution . It's me Sukarno , Leader of the Revolution . Who is happy at Soekarno , come on stacking sequence , maintain , collect rows . Do not act wild . Wait for my command . I do not want didongkel - jack on the back . "
Power of President Soekarno when it was still great . Although many are not satisfied with the attitude that is considered to protect the PKI by rejecting pressure to disband the party , as well as how to handle the economic problems that trouble , like an unassailable position . Most of the time the armed forces , especially the Navy, Air Force , and Police , supported him . Because the call Bung Karno , at the urging of Subandrio formed Barisan Sukarno . In his radio speech , Subandrio also strongly condemned the actions of the students , who judged beyond the limits of decency . " Does the student action really comes from their own ? Or penunggangan of the enemies of the revolution , Necolim both external and internal counterrevolution from within , which distort the good intentions of our students ? " He said . This Subandrio accusations rile students . Subandrio immediately dubbed " Peking Dog " or " Haji Peking " .
Although Pepelrada Jaya since January 16 prohibits the demonstration , the students fight it by sending delegations meet officials . Physical clashes students in the U.S. with a group of youths and students Marhaen begun in some places . With a variety of ways, including marches , rallies , or muster , and the actions of youth mahaslswa continue .
On February 21, President Sukarno cabinet remodel . The composition of the new cabinet did not satisfy many people , including students , because some ministers considered close or pro - PKI retained or added . Under the pretext of holding " Big Apple Loyalty to President Sukarno " , on February 23 WE organize demonstrations again . When intending to " convey the resolution " to the Secretariat of State , a clash with security forces . Several students were injured being shot . Students are angry and destroy the State Secretariat office .
Thursday, February 24, 1966 , the Cabinet Dwikora enhanced - are derided as 100 Cabinet Minister - will be inducted . The students staged since early morning deflation of tires on the main streets of Jakarta . Jakarta halt altogether . Inaugural run continuously , although some minister to be picked up by helicopter or by a variety of ways to penetrate the demonstration that surrounded the palace . In the midst of the turmoil gunshots . Some demonstrators were shot . One of them , Arief Rachman Hakim , was killed , being shot Cakrabirawa forces . The next day , Ariel funeral - which is treated as a martyr - followed by a demonstration of feeling. Hundreds of thousands of people packed the streets and watched the funeral to the cemetery Block P , New Kebayoran . In the afternoon , emerged rumor Chakra forces will attack Salemba UI campus , which is used as the headquarters of the students . Some APCs KOSTRAD immediately sent to the UI to keep . The student leaders are protected , and they are , ' among others Cosmas Coal , David Napitupulu , Zamroni , Lim Bian Kun , stay in the denomination Strategic Reserve Command headquarters . That occurred during the demonstrations that took place indeed : the students have the support and cooperate with the majority of the Army , especially the Special Forces and the Army Strategic Reserve Command .
Therefore, although since February 26 OUR government is dissolved , the demonstrations demanding the implementation of Tritura could go on , inter alia through KAPPI ( Youth Action Unit and Indonesian Students ) which was formed on February 9, 1966 . The idea arose among the leaders KOSTRAD to deploy forces without identification around the palace , according to the Army Strategic Reserve Command Chief of Staff at the time, Kemal Idris , in order to try and catch Subandrio Cakrabirawa overseeing troop movements . In addition , the deployment of about 200 people and the Strategic Reserve Command Special Forces troops without identification , it also acts to protect the students and youth . " Pak Harto has been told to me , in order to protect young children from Cakrabirawa attack , " said Kemal Idris , then Chief of Staff Army Strategic Reserve Command . According to Kemal , General Suharto put expectations on young children who demonstrate the leadership Bung Karno . Kemal was considered close to the students in the U.S.. Chief of Staff of the Army Strategic Reserve Command also tasked to lead all forces in Jakarta . " Especially from the Army , Marines and Air Force given time can not be trusted .
Indeed, from the Army itself also involved G-30-S/PKI but we can take it , " said Kemal . Amir Machmud , as Regional Commander V Jaya , when the charge of the territorial forces , but operationally under Kemal Idris . While Umar Wirahadikusumah , as commander of the army, was on Kemal . Although in many ways trying to suppress the Bung Karno , according to the assertion of a number of prominent AD , there was no intention to topple the army of President Sukarno .
The pressure seems to urge President Soekarno to immediately carry out a political settlement to the events G-30-S/PKI to formally dissolve the PKI . However , that time Sukarno always says : for state in the country not to mention quiet , it 's hard to take a decision on the political settlement . For example, in a speech January 23, 1966 , Bung Karno said, "I repeatedly asked for a quiet , calm , and what we see and what we see ? The quiet calm no , which also recently raised a variety of demonstrations . " In the current political constellation , the Army a powerful force . The position of the ten political parties that no time was less strong , especially since most of the leaders rated ever worked with PKI . Their attitude when it , by the students , considered plintat - plintut and action against the student .
On March 10 , after a meeting with President Sukarno at Merdeka Palace , for example , political party leaders issued a statement that can not justify the way in which students , college students , and youth " that could endanger the course of the revolution and undermine the authority of the PBR Bung Karno . " They also determined round " to execute without reserve " daily orders of President Sukarno March 8 . Daily command itself essentially ordered on the whole slagorde military , political party , Golkar , and organizations to " heighten vigilance to face all kinds of infiltration and instigation which intends to divide the union . " In addition, it also " goes without destroying everything that undermine the authority , leadership and kebijaksanaa PBR / President / Mandatory MPRS Bung Karno . " Even so , a small political party leaders , especially those who joined in the action Pengganyangan Gestapu Command , working with the students and youth and AD , against President Sukarno .
Until that day came , March 11, 1966 . Bung Karno , who apparently panicked by the presence of " unknown forces " around the Palace , fled to Bogor . Cabinet meeting then dissolved Deputy Premier Leimena . Out of the Palace , incidentally Basoeki Grace , M. Jusuf , and Amir Machmud walk together . Joseph took both of them to go see Bung Karno in Bogor and talk , so do not feel Bung Karno had left the Army . Both are willing . Minister / Deputy Minister of Defence, Major General Mursid , who was invited to attend and participate , refused . According Amirmachmud , he suggested they first report to Pak Harto . The three of them then went to a house in Jalan Agus Salim Suharto , Central Jakarta . Soeharto 's health that day can not be bothered to attend the cabinet meeting . " At the time of Soeharto 's facing , we tell you how the cabinet meeting . Then we asked for permission to Pak Harto to go to Bogor with a view to reassuring Bung Karno , "said Amir Machmud . They also asked whether there Soeharto message needs to be delivered at the Bung Karno .
According to Amir Machmud , Soeharto 's time to say , " First , convey my greetings to the Bung Karno . Both Bung Karno do not worry . We are able to save the Pancasila , the 1945 Constitution , save and maintain the security of the Indonesian Revolution , origin entrusted to it . " So , " said Amir Machmud , Soeharto never discussed the possibility of such Supersemar warrant it .
Soeharto Soekarno attitude to time it does show the attitude of the child to the father . It is also evident from a dialogue between Pak Harto , who has been appointed as the Commander of time , and Bung Karno , at the Presidential Palace , in early 1966 , when student demonstrations in Jakarta coloring atmosphere . At that time asked Bung Karno Soeharto :
" Harto , I will you do with it? I am your leader . I iki arep kapakke tock "
" Mr. President , " replied Mr. Harto , " I am the son of a poor farmer . " But my dad always reminds me to always respect the elderly . I am always reminded to mikul duur mendem jero ( salute ) to the parents . "
" Good, " said Bung Karno .
" Dad still I respect, like I respect my parents . For me , the father was not only the leader of the nation , but I consider my parents . I always wanted mikul dulaur against Mr . Unfortunately, that would be borne duvur mendem jero not want to , " said Pak Harto .
"Right so , To ? "
" Yes , sir . Insha Allah . Because depending on you. "
" Nah . If true you still respect me and appreciate my leadership , I order you to stop the student demonstrations . Their actions have been outrageous . Not polite . Wild . They had not polite and respectful to parents . They can not be allowed , Harto . You , I want to take action against them . "
" Sorry , sir . I think the problem is related to the overall improvement of our country . I mean , a political settlement regarding Mr. G-30-S/PKI as promised . If now the President announced officially that the PKI was dissolved and banned , I believe that students will stop its actions . Because it is required by them . "
" Political Settlement G-30-S/PKI again you call , Harto . You said respect my leadership . "
"I never wavered , sir . "
"Then , carry out my orders , " said Bung Karno . Soeharto did not answer . Bung Karno also silent .
Given such a dialogue , it is understandable that Bung Karno also explosive when three generals , Basoeki Grace , Joseph , and Amir Machmud , to him , during the March 11, 1966 . He scolded Amir Machmud , which is always reported that the safe state .
"What's safe ? Demonstrations continued . You're the person in charge of the security of the capital. What are you doing to stop the demonstration ? " He also rebuked Basoeki Grace and Joseph .
"You did not do anything . " She alleges that the generals pretending , and actually want the fall of Sukarno .
The three were denied . Basoeki Grace said , " That's not true , sir . There is no intention to leave Mr . Moreover, Mr. dropped . If no such intention , of course we do not come here . " Bung Karno silent . He then asked the possibility of a way out of the situation. Joseph suggested that Bung Karno ordered General Suharto to resolve the situation .
Amir Machmud adds , " Yes , sir . Soeharto had also advised able to resolve the situation , if the President gives him confidence . "
"Trust ? Confidence what else should I give him ? General Suharto had I picked up the Commander of the Restoration of Security and Order . But try , until now unsafe and disorderly , "said Bung Karno .
" It may take more confidence again , sir , " said Amirmachmud .
" Confidence is more how ? What do you mean ? "
" Such a warrant , for example , " said Amir Machmud . Sukarno was silent .
His eyes stared at the three generals. Also to Sabur , who was also present there . Bung Karno finally agreed . These four generals were ordered to make the concept of the warrant . Piece of paper shoved Basoeki Grace . General born in Tuban , Ja - Team , which was known then took pen reserved . He said " Bismillahirrochmanirrohim " and began to write .
Warrant . It was the first sentence he wrote . The concept was then presented Sabur kapada Bung Karno . He then called the three Deputy Premier , Subandrio , Leimena , and Chaerul Saleh , who already restive , and ask their opinion . Only Subandrio who replied , "If Mr. sign, will be the long tail . " Maybe because it did not receive unanimous agreement among close aides , Bung Karno went into his room . At that time he was wearing blue pajamas and wear slippers brown brick . That said , he was praying . About an hour Sukarno was in his room . After one hour , the initial concept sketches which had been there , and returned to the three generals . Basoeki Grace re-create a new concept , which is then delivered to the Bung Karno Sabur .
Eventually they come together again in one more room besar.Pada this meeting , Bung Karno was fully dressed , white shirt . Short sleeves , gray pants , and wearing a nightcap . In attendance : three generals earlier , three Deputy Premier , and Sabur is still standing . The atmosphere was rather tense . Results rembukan Sabur was typed with the letterhead paper Presidential Affairs . Finally they gathered in the Palace dining room . Bung Karno read keystrokes concept that has been agreed upon . " How , Ban , you agree ? " Said Bung Karno on Subandrio . "If the President had agreed , I agree , " came the reply . Bung Karno then signed an order which is then very famous.
After that they returned to the palace pavilion . In the living room , they talked for a while . Bung Karno was accompanied Hartini sitting on the couch , the three generals were sitting in front of them . Leimena sitting on the left Bung Karno , was Subandrio and Chaerul Saleh sit on the right Hartini . Sabur remained standing . In the windowless room , all the doors opened . Faces that are present appear to be serious . Before long , the three generals were excused himself , saluted and then shook hands with the Bung Karno . After three generals , Sukarno had time to read in the living room .
Around 23:00 he entered the bedroom . In the bedroom he still had time to read a magazine Selecta . But he was restless . Until he was not asleep at 1:00 . " Mr. tossing and turning her body to the left , to the right , " said Mrs. . Hartini recalled . After taking sleeping pills , then Bung Karno asleep .
On the way home from Bogor by car , the three generals had read the back of Supersemar by using a flashlight . All three are shocked after realizing that warrant means the transfer of power of President Sukarno to General Suharto . Supersemar indeed contain authorize the General Soeharto " to take any action it deems necessary , to guarantee security and peace and stability of the running of the government and the course of the revolution , as well as ensure the personal safety and authority of the Chairman President / Supreme Commander / PBR / Mandatory MPRS sake of national unity and RI state , and execute with certainty all the teachings of the PBR " .
The next day , General Suharto , on behalf of the President , issued an order to all ranks of the Armed Forces newspaper and announced the birth of Supersemar . Order of the day was then followed by the Decree of the President / Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces / Mandatory MPRS / PBR No. 1/3/1966 . Contents: dissolve the PKI organization including parts of the central and regional levels as well as all organizations that seasas / refuge / shelter underneath. PKI also declared a banned organization in the whole of Indonesia . Finally, the people's demand that the PKI was dissolved accomplished . The news soon spread . Evidence that the community welcomed the decision of the visible mass to welcome the victory parade that occurred March 12, 1966 was . Communities throughout Indonesia also welcomed the decision festive . And the beginning of a new history began.

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