March 11, 1966 , Indonesia experienced a turning point in history . A regime began to crumble . And a new chapter was born . Instrument that changed history was just a piece of paper , signed by President Sukarno of the day : Warrant of March , commonly abbreviated Supersemar . Through the letter of President Sukarno gave authority to the Lieutenant General Suharto , then Army Chief Minister , to take " all necessary measures to guarantee security and peace and stability of the running of the government and the course of the Revolution " . Through a letter that began to erode the power of President Soekarno . And General Suharto emerged as a new national leadership .
Ahead of March 11, 1971 , President Suharto for the first time explains the background and history of the birth Supersemar because , he said , the people of Indonesia is entitled to it . " Supersemar a part of history that is very important to realign the nation's struggle in defense of the ideals of freedom and independence given the content , " he said . Digest explanation Head of State : he never considered it as a SP March 11 in order to obtain absolute power . " Decree of March 11 also is not a tool to organize a coup in disguise , " he said firmly .
Supersemar indeed a historic event . Some call it " New Order milestone " , or " New Order Momentum " . President Soeharto himself called " Early Struggles of the New Order " . Although it has been several times an attempt to reconstruct the events, among others, in 1976 by the Centre for Armed Forces Historical led at the time Nugroho Notosusanto ( deceased ) , still common confusion about the important events . For example, which occurred in 1982 , when the story of the birth of Supersemar version appeared Hasjim Ning , which was then denied by the employer . Apparently, not all of it revealed about the birth Supersemar . Not only that . Here and there there are still stories that do not fit . May complete tracking needs to be done , mumpung many perpetrators are still there . Supersemar own original letter reportedly is still missing . Understandably , at the time it was pretty messed up situation awareness may still lack documented .
Once upon a time ......
Bogor Palace , Friday, March 11, 1966 . Helicopters roar broke the silence Palace at around 11 am . Bell Helicopter landed at the presidential palace .
"How come afternoons like this , usually right in the afternoon, " thought Mrs. . Hartini Sukarno while her husband pick out the palace pavilion .
President Sukarno every Friday afternoon is staying in Bogor Palace , and returned to the Presidential Palace on Monday morning . With escorted General Sabur , President and Commander Regiment adjutant Cakrabirawa ( presidential guard unit ) , Bung Karno , who dress uniform gray president , entered the pavilion . He was wearing a skull cap , and do not forget to bring a wand .
" Early in the morning anyway already in Bogor , Mas , " said Mrs . Hartini . Bung Karno , which comes with a cloudy face , just a short reply , " Tien , a precarious state . " Soekarno then entered the room , change clothes . He was the noon prayer and lunch .
The lunch menu : vegetable ve, tofu, and tempeh - favorite food Bung Karno . " Mr. ate little . It seems his appetite is not good , " Mrs story . Hartini . After lunch , Sukarno rest . It was about one o'clock in the afternoon .
Soon the roar of the helicopter that landed roaring again . The contents Deputy Prime Minister ( Deputy Premier ) I Subandrio and Deputy Premier Saleh Chaerul III . " They went to my pavilion , which is located on the left pavilion Bung Karno , and I was invited to sit . Mr. Sabur come and talk with them . He then drove them to the pavilion reserved for guests , " said Mangil Martowidjojo , who was then commander of Detachment Privacy Guard Regiment Cakrabirawa .
Around 2 pm , a helicopter landed again . This time the fall of the Minister of Veterans Maj. Basoeki Grace , Light Industry Minister Brigadier General Joseph , and the Regional Commander Brigadier General Amir Machmud V Jaya . Everything is in military uniform . They went straight to the pavilion where guards and greeted Sabur . " Bur , we would like to meet Mr come , " said Rahmat Basoeki . Sabur explained , Bung Karno was resting . "Then , we 'll wait , " said Rahmat Basoeki . Mrs. recall . Hartini , Bung Karno was a rest day for about two hours .
Approximately at 14.30 ( this according to the narrative of Gen. Joseph in 1973 ) , Sabur came and said Bung Karno can be found . All three generals were then taken to the living room palace whose walls are painted white . Sukarno, who was wearing shorts and a white T-shirt accept them . His face clouded . "What are you here ? " He asked . Grace as a general Basoeki oldest in the group begin to speak , representing the other . " We had come to meet Father to show we do not leave you. We do not want Dad to feel has been left out by the Armed Forces , by the Army . We regret the events of this morning . But we hope that the President is not affected by the incident . "
Attitude Bung Karno was still hard . " What ? You said I should not be affected ? I do not have to anxious ? You said the Army did not leave me ? You yourself know , the Army joined the demonstration . I dropped participate . You susupkan members of the Special Forces and Strategic Reserve Command among youth and students . What if it was not to attack me ? "
Bung Karno anger was understandable . Am March 11 at the State Palace there was a cabinet meeting . Before the trial began , President Soekarno asked whether Amir Machmud safe situation to the cabinet meeting could take place . Regional Commander V Jaya assurances that the situation is safe. However , in the middle of the session , suddenly Brigien Sabur submit a memorandum to the President . The contents turned out to reports of unknown forces , because it does not wear a badge , although the use of arms , around the palace . Setelak talk with Subandrio , Bung Karno and then suspend the trial , and submit to the Deputy Premier Leimena chairperson .
Apparently , reports of a " wild forces " that rocked President Sukarno , who seems to suspect , that the troops deployed against the Army . That's why he stopped the cabinet meeting , left the palace , and headed to the helicopter , followed Subandrio scampered up shoes left behind , as well as Chaerul Saleh . Bung Karno , Jakarta situations that may feel too hot , fly to the Bogor Palace .
The days were hot and the atmosphere is turbulent Jakarta . Almost every day there were demonstrations WE and KAPPI . Five months after the events G-30-S/PKI , promised a political settlement of President Sukarno had not yet occurred . Although the activities of the CPI has been banned by a number of military authorities , PKI has not officially disbanded . Meanwhile , the economic situation is getting worse . Government on December 13, 1965 has cut the value of money of Rp 1,000 to Rp 1 . However , more needs soaring prices . People feel uneasy . The demonstrations were generally organized WE ( Indonesian Student Action Union ) , more and grow bigger and stronger . Doodles and yelyel the demonstrators were loud and blamed the government : " Lower the price of rice " , " Get rid of ministers incompetent " , or "Down Subandrio " . Deputy Premier Subandrio is being targeted because he - who later earned the nickname Durno - considered " close " to the PKI . However , against President Sukarno , the students and the youth are still being tolerant . Slogans "Long live Bung Karno " was shouted by the demonstrators . On January 10, 1966 dicetuskanlah Tri demands of the People ( Tritura ) : Disband PKI , Dwikora Cabinet reshuffle , and Lower Price .
The actions of students and youth increasingly intensified . Although attacking the government with demands such as " Ritul Minister Moron " , has not appeared condemnation directly against President Sukarno . The student leaders even said student actions were always in line with the teachings of the Leader of the Revolution Bung Karno . Bung Karno himself alleges , unrest and turmoil that occurred orchestrated by the counterrevolution and Necolim ( neo- colonialism and imperialism ) that would drop him . In a cabinet meeting at Bogor Palace on January 15, 1966 he angrily exclaimed , " It's Sukarno , Leader of the Revolution . Who wants to come with me , come . I am responsible for the Revolution . It's me Sukarno , Leader of the Revolution . Who is happy at Soekarno , come on stacking sequence , maintain , collect rows . Do not act wild . Wait for my command . I do not want didongkel - jack on the back . "
Power of President Soekarno when it was still great . Although many are not satisfied with the attitude that is considered to protect the PKI by rejecting pressure to disband the party , as well as how to handle the economic problems that trouble , like an unassailable position . Most of the time the armed forces , especially the Navy, Air Force , and Police , supported him . Because the call Bung Karno , at the urging of Subandrio formed Barisan Sukarno . In his radio speech , Subandrio also strongly condemned the actions of the students , who judged beyond the limits of decency . " Does the student action really comes from their own ? Or penunggangan of the enemies of the revolution , Necolim both external and internal counterrevolution from within , which distort the good intentions of our students ? " He said . This Subandrio accusations rile students . Subandrio immediately dubbed " Peking Dog " or " Haji Peking " .
Although Pepelrada Jaya since January 16 prohibits the demonstration , the students fight it by sending delegations meet officials . Physical clashes students in the U.S. with a group of youths and students Marhaen begun in some places . With a variety of ways, including marches , rallies , or muster , and the actions of youth mahaslswa continue .
On February 21, President Sukarno cabinet remodel . The composition of the new cabinet did not satisfy many people , including students , because some ministers considered close or pro - PKI retained or added . Under the pretext of holding " Big Apple Loyalty to President Sukarno " , on February 23 WE organize demonstrations again . When intending to " convey the resolution " to the Secretariat of State , a clash with security forces . Several students were injured being shot . Students are angry and destroy the State Secretariat office .
Thursday, February 24, 1966 , the Cabinet Dwikora enhanced - are derided as 100 Cabinet Minister - will be inducted . The students staged since early morning deflation of tires on the main streets of Jakarta . Jakarta halt altogether . Inaugural run continuously , although some minister to be picked up by helicopter or by a variety of ways to penetrate the demonstration that surrounded the palace . In the midst of the turmoil gunshots . Some demonstrators were shot . One of them , Arief Rachman Hakim , was killed , being shot Cakrabirawa forces . The next day , Ariel funeral - which is treated as a martyr - followed by a demonstration of feeling. Hundreds of thousands of people packed the streets and watched the funeral to the cemetery Block P , New Kebayoran . In the afternoon , emerged rumor Chakra forces will attack Salemba UI campus , which is used as the headquarters of the students . Some APCs KOSTRAD immediately sent to the UI to keep . The student leaders are protected , and they are , ' among others Cosmas Coal , David Napitupulu , Zamroni , Lim Bian Kun , stay in the denomination Strategic Reserve Command headquarters . That occurred during the demonstrations that took place indeed : the students have the support and cooperate with the majority of the Army , especially the Special Forces and the Army Strategic Reserve Command .
Therefore, although since February 26 OUR government is dissolved , the demonstrations demanding the implementation of Tritura could go on , inter alia through KAPPI ( Youth Action Unit and Indonesian Students ) which was formed on February 9, 1966 . The idea arose among the leaders KOSTRAD to deploy forces without identification around the palace , according to the Army Strategic Reserve Command Chief of Staff at the time, Kemal Idris , in order to try and catch Subandrio Cakrabirawa overseeing troop movements . In addition , the deployment of about 200 people and the Strategic Reserve Command Special Forces troops without identification , it also acts to protect the students and youth . " Pak Harto has been told to me , in order to protect young children from Cakrabirawa attack , " said Kemal Idris , then Chief of Staff Army Strategic Reserve Command . According to Kemal , General Suharto put expectations on young children who demonstrate the leadership Bung Karno . Kemal was considered close to the students in the U.S.. Chief of Staff of the Army Strategic Reserve Command also tasked to lead all forces in Jakarta . " Especially from the Army , Marines and Air Force given time can not be trusted .
Indeed, from the Army itself also involved G-30-S/PKI but we can take it , " said Kemal . Amir Machmud , as Regional Commander V Jaya , when the charge of the territorial forces , but operationally under Kemal Idris . While Umar Wirahadikusumah , as commander of the army, was on Kemal . Although in many ways trying to suppress the Bung Karno , according to the assertion of a number of prominent AD , there was no intention to topple the army of President Sukarno .
The pressure seems to urge President Soekarno to immediately carry out a political settlement to the events G-30-S/PKI to formally dissolve the PKI . However , that time Sukarno always says : for state in the country not to mention quiet , it 's hard to take a decision on the political settlement . For example, in a speech January 23, 1966 , Bung Karno said, "I repeatedly asked for a quiet , calm , and what we see and what we see ? The quiet calm no , which also recently raised a variety of demonstrations . " In the current political constellation , the Army a powerful force . The position of the ten political parties that no time was less strong , especially since most of the leaders rated ever worked with PKI . Their attitude when it , by the students , considered plintat - plintut and action against the student .
On March 10 , after a meeting with President Sukarno at Merdeka Palace , for example , political party leaders issued a statement that can not justify the way in which students , college students , and youth " that could endanger the course of the revolution and undermine the authority of the PBR Bung Karno . " They also determined round " to execute without reserve " daily orders of President Sukarno March 8 . Daily command itself essentially ordered on the whole slagorde military , political party , Golkar , and organizations to " heighten vigilance to face all kinds of infiltration and instigation which intends to divide the union . " In addition, it also " goes without destroying everything that undermine the authority , leadership and kebijaksanaa PBR / President / Mandatory MPRS Bung Karno . " Even so , a small political party leaders , especially those who joined in the action Pengganyangan Gestapu Command , working with the students and youth and AD , against President Sukarno .
Until that day came , March 11, 1966 . Bung Karno , who apparently panicked by the presence of " unknown forces " around the Palace , fled to Bogor . Cabinet meeting then dissolved Deputy Premier Leimena . Out of the Palace , incidentally Basoeki Grace , M. Jusuf , and Amir Machmud walk together . Joseph took both of them to go see Bung Karno in Bogor and talk , so do not feel Bung Karno had left the Army . Both are willing . Minister / Deputy Minister of Defence, Major General Mursid , who was invited to attend and participate , refused . According Amirmachmud , he suggested they first report to Pak Harto . The three of them then went to a house in Jalan Agus Salim Suharto , Central Jakarta . Soeharto 's health that day can not be bothered to attend the cabinet meeting . " At the time of Soeharto 's facing , we tell you how the cabinet meeting . Then we asked for permission to Pak Harto to go to Bogor with a view to reassuring Bung Karno , "said Amir Machmud . They also asked whether there Soeharto message needs to be delivered at the Bung Karno .
According to Amir Machmud , Soeharto 's time to say , " First , convey my greetings to the Bung Karno . Both Bung Karno do not worry . We are able to save the Pancasila , the 1945 Constitution , save and maintain the security of the Indonesian Revolution , origin entrusted to it . " So , " said Amir Machmud , Soeharto never discussed the possibility of such Supersemar warrant it .
Soeharto Soekarno attitude to time it does show the attitude of the child to the father . It is also evident from a dialogue between Pak Harto , who has been appointed as the Commander of time , and Bung Karno , at the Presidential Palace , in early 1966 , when student demonstrations in Jakarta coloring atmosphere . At that time asked Bung Karno Soeharto :
" Harto , I will you do with it? I am your leader . I iki arep kapakke tock "
" Mr. President , " replied Mr. Harto , " I am the son of a poor farmer . " But my dad always reminds me to always respect the elderly . I am always reminded to mikul duur mendem jero ( salute ) to the parents . "
" Good, " said Bung Karno .
" Dad still I respect, like I respect my parents . For me , the father was not only the leader of the nation , but I consider my parents . I always wanted mikul dulaur against Mr . Unfortunately, that would be borne duvur mendem jero not want to , " said Pak Harto .
"Right so , To ? "
" Yes , sir . Insha Allah . Because depending on you. "
" Nah . If true you still respect me and appreciate my leadership , I order you to stop the student demonstrations . Their actions have been outrageous . Not polite . Wild . They had not polite and respectful to parents . They can not be allowed , Harto . You , I want to take action against them . "
" Sorry , sir . I think the problem is related to the overall improvement of our country . I mean , a political settlement regarding Mr. G-30-S/PKI as promised . If now the President announced officially that the PKI was dissolved and banned , I believe that students will stop its actions . Because it is required by them . "
" Political Settlement G-30-S/PKI again you call , Harto . You said respect my leadership . "
"I never wavered , sir . "
"Then , carry out my orders , " said Bung Karno . Soeharto did not answer . Bung Karno also silent .
Given such a dialogue , it is understandable that Bung Karno also explosive when three generals , Basoeki Grace , Joseph , and Amir Machmud , to him , during the March 11, 1966 . He scolded Amir Machmud , which is always reported that the safe state .
"What's safe ? Demonstrations continued . You're the person in charge of the security of the capital. What are you doing to stop the demonstration ? " He also rebuked Basoeki Grace and Joseph .
"You did not do anything . " She alleges that the generals pretending , and actually want the fall of Sukarno .
The three were denied . Basoeki Grace said , " That's not true , sir . There is no intention to leave Mr . Moreover, Mr. dropped . If no such intention , of course we do not come here . " Bung Karno silent . He then asked the possibility of a way out of the situation. Joseph suggested that Bung Karno ordered General Suharto to resolve the situation .
Amir Machmud adds , " Yes , sir . Soeharto had also advised able to resolve the situation , if the President gives him confidence . "
"Trust ? Confidence what else should I give him ? General Suharto had I picked up the Commander of the Restoration of Security and Order . But try , until now unsafe and disorderly , "said Bung Karno .
" It may take more confidence again , sir , " said Amirmachmud .
" Confidence is more how ? What do you mean ? "
" Such a warrant , for example , " said Amir Machmud . Sukarno was silent .
His eyes stared at the three generals. Also to Sabur , who was also present there . Bung Karno finally agreed . These four generals were ordered to make the concept of the warrant . Piece of paper shoved Basoeki Grace . General born in Tuban , Ja - Team , which was known then took pen reserved . He said " Bismillahirrochmanirrohim " and began to write .
Warrant . It was the first sentence he wrote . The concept was then presented Sabur kapada Bung Karno . He then called the three Deputy Premier , Subandrio , Leimena , and Chaerul Saleh , who already restive , and ask their opinion . Only Subandrio who replied , "If Mr. sign, will be the long tail . " Maybe because it did not receive unanimous agreement among close aides , Bung Karno went into his room . At that time he was wearing blue pajamas and wear slippers brown brick . That said , he was praying . About an hour Sukarno was in his room . After one hour , the initial concept sketches which had been there , and returned to the three generals . Basoeki Grace re-create a new concept , which is then delivered to the Bung Karno Sabur .
Eventually they come together again in one more room besar.Pada this meeting , Bung Karno was fully dressed , white shirt . Short sleeves , gray pants , and wearing a nightcap . In attendance : three generals earlier , three Deputy Premier , and Sabur is still standing . The atmosphere was rather tense . Results rembukan Sabur was typed with the letterhead paper Presidential Affairs . Finally they gathered in the Palace dining room . Bung Karno read keystrokes concept that has been agreed upon . " How , Ban , you agree ? " Said Bung Karno on Subandrio . "If the President had agreed , I agree , " came the reply . Bung Karno then signed an order which is then very famous.
After that they returned to the palace pavilion . In the living room , they talked for a while . Bung Karno was accompanied Hartini sitting on the couch , the three generals were sitting in front of them . Leimena sitting on the left Bung Karno , was Subandrio and Chaerul Saleh sit on the right Hartini . Sabur remained standing . In the windowless room , all the doors opened . Faces that are present appear to be serious . Before long , the three generals were excused himself , saluted and then shook hands with the Bung Karno . After three generals , Sukarno had time to read in the living room .
Around 23:00 he entered the bedroom . In the bedroom he still had time to read a magazine Selecta . But he was restless . Until he was not asleep at 1:00 . " Mr. tossing and turning her body to the left , to the right , " said Mrs. . Hartini recalled . After taking sleeping pills , then Bung Karno asleep .
On the way home from Bogor by car , the three generals had read the back of Supersemar by using a flashlight . All three are shocked after realizing that warrant means the transfer of power of President Sukarno to General Suharto . Supersemar indeed contain authorize the General Soeharto " to take any action it deems necessary , to guarantee security and peace and stability of the running of the government and the course of the revolution , as well as ensure the personal safety and authority of the Chairman President / Supreme Commander / PBR / Mandatory MPRS sake of national unity and RI state , and execute with certainty all the teachings of the PBR " .
The next day , General Suharto , on behalf of the President , issued an order to all ranks of the Armed Forces newspaper and announced the birth of Supersemar . Order of the day was then followed by the Decree of the President / Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces / Mandatory MPRS / PBR No. 1/3/1966 . Contents: dissolve the PKI organization including parts of the central and regional levels as well as all organizations that seasas / refuge / shelter underneath. PKI also declared a banned organization in the whole of Indonesia . Finally, the people's demand that the PKI was dissolved accomplished . The news soon spread . Evidence that the community welcomed the decision of the visible mass to welcome the victory parade that occurred March 12, 1966 was . Communities throughout Indonesia also welcomed the decision festive . And the beginning of a new history began.


4.Pengangguran adalah?
B.orang yang tidak mempuyai pekerjaan atau masih mencari pekejaan
6.Berikut ini adalah masalah-masalah ketenagakerjaan di indonesia,kecuali?
C.sumber daya alam yang sedikit
7.Penyaluran tenaga tenaga kerja indonesia keluar negeri adalah program pemerintah untuk?D.meratakan penyebaran angkatan kerja
8.Berikut ini adalah berbagai usaha pemerintah untuk mengembangkan kesempatan kerja dalam negeri,kecuali?
D.membantu menyelesaikan perselisihan hubungan industry
9.Sebagian besar tenaga kerja di indonesia bekerja disektor?
10.Budi bekerja selama 12 jam perminggu maka budi adalah?
C.pengangguran tertutup
13.Yang tidak termasuk angkatan kerja adalah?
D.orang yang ada dalam usia kerja
14.Seorang penjual koran yang berusia 10 tahun tidak termasuk?
D.angkatan kerja
15.Tingkat pengangaruh yang tinggi menandakan?
A.tingkat kesejahteraan rakyat yang rendah
16.Factor yang tidak berpengaruh terhadap masalah tenaga kerja adalah?
D.kesadaran hokum
18.Peruasan kesempatan kerja dapat ditempuh melalui?
C.penambahan industry
25.Perlamar kerja yang memilih pekerjaan yang lebih baik dari pekerjaan
sebelumnya disebut pengangguran?

1.Tujuan gerakan 3A adalah?
Untuk mengambil hati rakyat indonesia
2.Putra dipimpin 4 serakai diartaranya?
- Ir.soekarno
- Drs.moh hatta
- Ki hajar dewantono
3.tugas jawa hokokai?
Mengarahkan rakyat untuk mengabil padi , pajak dan menanam tumbuhan jarak sebagai bahan
4.kebijakan penduduk jepang di ekonomi didiarahkah membangkun pabrik & menanam?jarak